Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Global Warming

Global warming

What is global warming?

Global warming is the effects greenhouse gasses (e.g carbon dioxide) are having on our planet slowly causing it to warm up by casing a blanket of gasses to cover the earth which only allow heat in but then traps it gradually making earth warmer.

 Consequenses of global warming

What has already happened:

1) Ice is melting worldwide causing see levels to rise.
2)Some animals and plants have moved further north avoid warm temperatures.
3) Percipitation has increased globally.

What could happen if global warming continues:

1) Floods and Droughts will become more common
2)Hurrcanes and storms will become stronge
3)Less fresh water will be avalible.
4)Some animals will become extinct because they will not be able to travel any furthe north.
5)Species that depend on each other may come out of sync for example flowers might bloom before insects can polinate them.

What we can do about it

1) Recycle
2) Use CFL light bulbs because they use less electricity
3)Plant trees as they change the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into oxygen

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

the cat counting to 10 by using 'say 1', 'say 2', 'say 3'...

The cat counting to 10 by using 'When start clicked' 'Set counter to zero' 'Repeat 10' 'increase counter by 1' 'say counter'.

The second way is much more efficient because it uses less blocks , is quicker to create ant shows it in the corner of the screen.
Hi, I am making a general knowledge Quiz on  Scratch if you have any ideas for questions please post them on my blog.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

How to make a blog

How to make a blog

1)To start with you need a gmail account, then go onto blogger and and sign in with the gmail account.
2) then follow the registration steps until you get the option of creating a blog.
3)Type in a title (what you want your blog to be called) and the URL.
4)Click on 'new post' and type what you want it to say.
5)Click publish and chose whether you want it to be public or private and add a comment

Internet Saftey

To stay safe on the internet you should always follow these tips:

1) Don’t download things from illeagle website because your computer could get a virus.

2) Never share personal details like your address or phone number on the internet with people you don’t know.

3) Don’t share your passwords with other people.

4) Make sure you know how to report people on websites.

5)Know what you are downloading apps you are downloading and how much they cost.

6) Remember to set privacy settings to only your friends